Live Performance Production

I work as an audio, lighting, and video technicial as well as a stage and house manager to operate all the technical elements of live concerts and events across multiple local theaters.

Audio Engineer

I am a local audio engineer and sound designer and have worked on several productions across multiple theaters. As an audio engineer, I operate a soundboard to control elements of microphones and computer inputs to create an immersive auditory experience for audiences throughout the DMV.

Lighting Designer

I am a lighting designer tasked with unique performances across many different theaters and venues. My goal is to use lighting to not only brighten a room but to fill it with emotion. One of the most unique and creative projects I work on each year is a primarily light performance, The Village of Lights. See below.

House/Stage Manager

I’ve worked on several different types of events and concerts in venues across the DMV, and in many of these events, I take on the responsibility of keeping the stage and house of the venue in order. This means that I make sure the stage is set up to be practical and efficient while looking presentable, and I help keep the house clean and make sure people are happy finding their seats.


Audio Engineer


Small Projection